Equine Law News

The Importance of An Equine Bill of Sale

The Importance of An Equine Bill of Sale

For equine enthusiasts, horses are not just animals; they are prized companions and valuable assets. Consequently, any transaction involving a horse should be approached with the utmost care and precision, and that begins with the proper utilization of an equine bill...

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What to Know About Leasing a Horse

What to Know About Leasing a Horse

Horse Lease Agreement In the equine community, it is quite common to lease a horse. Leasing a horse provides benefits to both the lessor and lessee. For the horse lessor, it can help offset the expenses that come with owning a horse. Plus, if the owner does not have...

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How to Avoid Personal Injury Claims

How to Avoid Personal Injury Claims

Avoiding Equine Injury Claims All equestrians know that if one thing is certain – it is that horses can be unpredictable. Because of the size and strength of horses, riders and pedestrians can easily endure personal injury. However, there are steps that owners and...

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Equine Law 101

Equine Law 101

Although people take steps to limit their liability and take the proper safety precautions, there are unavoidable risks while working with horses.  Laws concerning equine activities protect those providing these activities from liability resulting from...

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